Approved by AICTE, New Delhi , Under No. F – 134 (P) ET/96 Dt.30.5.1996
The Allana College of Pharmacy was established in the year 1996 by the M.C.E. Society by Late Mr. Abdul Razzak Allana and Late Mr. Hussain Allana and is dedicated to the memory of their parents, Late Haji J. H. A. Allana & Late Mrs. A. H. J. Allana. The College is approved by AICTE, New Delhi , Under No. F – 134 (P) ET/96 Dt.30.5.1996 Recognized by the Govt. of Maharashtra under G .R . No . PEC -3 396 / 7479 Technical -1 Dt. 24-7-1 9 9 6 of Higher and Technical Education Dept. Mumbai Approved by Pharmacy Council of India, S.NO . -99 / 172, New Delhi Permanently Affiliated to University of Pune CA / 2743 dated 25-07-2010. It has also received 12(B) approval of UGC. The college imparts education leading to four years Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy (B. Pharmacy) and two years Master Degree (M. Pharmacy) in Pharmaceutics (15 Seats) and Quality Assurance Techniques (15 Seats) & is Ph.D. Research Center for Pharmaceutics. NBA Reaccreditation has been awarded to B.Pharmacy Programme of MCE Society’s Allana College of Pharmacy by National Board of Accreditation New Delhi, for the period of 3 years (June 2021-22 – June 2023-24).
Useful Links & Information
- NBA Accreditation letter 2017-2020
- NBA Re-accreditation letters 2021 to 2024
- B.Pharm Permanent affiliation
- PHD Approval 2018-19
- All India Survey
- DTE Approval 40-60
- DTE Approval in M-Pharmacy M.Pharm Affiliation 2021-22
- M.Pharm Affiliation 2021-22
- PCI Approval Letter 2022
- Fees Fixation of B.Pharm
2.College Information
- B.Pharm DTE Merit List 2021-22
- DTE Merit list Direct S.Y. B.Pharm 2019-20
- Salient Features
- College Brochure
- Direct S.Y Pharmacy 2021-22
- M-Pharm in Ceutics 2021-22
- M-Pharm in PQA 2021-22
- FRA -B.PHARM 2022-23
- FRA -M.PHARM 2022-23
3.Student & Faculty Support
- Placement report
- Useful Links
- Greavance Reddressal
- Anti Ragging
- Women Greavance Cell
- Feedback of Students & Parents
4.Alumni Corner